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Ensuring pedestrians and cyclists feel secure in their environment
Shared Emphasis
Good walking and biking connectivity to community hubs (school + village)
Accessibility to recreation resources, businesses, school, and concentrated residential areas
Roads shared by all
Preliminary Observations
Whipple/East Shore/Landon Road
- These roadways cross a low-lying stream on the island, and the undulating nature of their terrain creates various sight line conflicts that can obscure an oncoming car or cyclist from view.
South Street
- Its function as a key connector for both local traffic and a popular route for cycle tourists looking to find food and drink in the village creates a high volume of multi- modal traffic which has created friction in the past due to drivers needing to slow down for cyclists, or cyclists feeling unsafe when passed by drivers. This roadway is the one and only connection to the Town's public school. Outside of painted pedestrian crosswalks, no dedicated pedestrian or bicycle infrastructure provides a safe route for children and parents to walk or bike to school.
Route 314
- Due to high traffic volumes, lack of shoulder, and less than ideal sight lines around several curves (such as accessing Eagle Camp Road), this road is not recommended for safe cycling.
Route 2/South Hero Village
- Pedestrian infrastructure is limited to disconnected and degraded sidewalks on the north side of the roadway, and there is only one established pedestrian crossing for the whole of the 3/4 mile length of Route 2 through the Village Center.
Route 2/Keeler Bay Village
- Outside of the downtown core, the roadway maintains moderate shoulders until approximately a 1/2 mile south of the 314 intersection where they are reduced to less than 2’ wide. This condition maintains through Keeler Bay, creating a challenging multi-modal access issue.
No Crosswalk to school
Crosswalk to school parking lot is crumbling and not ADA compliant
Narrow shoulders and obstacles in high traffic area